
Dr. Mohammad Shamsul Arefin

Head of
Department of CSE, CUET


With great pride and pleasure I welcome you to the CUET CSE Fest 2017 at Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) department, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET). Our department’s vision is to be nationally recognized for high-quality educational programs through focused activities and excellence of its faculty, staff, graduates and facilities. We will achieve this vision through promoting the education of our students and by contributing to the field of Computer Science.

We are a developing country. We cannot even imagine a better economic and social system without the help of modern computing and its widespread application across all spectrum of development work. The CSE Fest can be an excellent opportunity for students of Computer Science, Engineering and related subjects not only to show their skills in programming, App Developing, Idea Sharing, Gaming but also to meet students from other institutions to exchange their views and ideas. Such events can build up the bonding among people in the Computer Science community.

Muhammed Kamal Hossen

Assistant Professor Department of CSE, CUET


It is our great pleasure as representatives of Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) of Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET) to inform you that we are going to arrange CUET CSE FEST 2017.

This festival is going to be organized by spirited hearts who always dream to show what a generation can do with the power of technology and they are on the way to bring their dream into reality. Participation of many universities is going to make this event a junction for the people interested in Computer Technologies, Competition and Inventions.

With the participations of students having inventive minds, this program will be held at 20th October to 22th October, 2017 in CUET campus. We, therefore, hope you would consider the matter of assisting us in our endeavor to contribute in the activities that has fueled the advancement of computer technology in our nation.

Md. Ikramul Hoque Sagor

Department of CSE, CUET


It is a pleasure to announce to all of you that we are going to organize the biggest event of the year held by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, CUET and that is the CUET CSE FEST 2017. As a coconvener and on behalf of our organizing committee I am very much delighted to welcome you all to the biggest show of this year.

The events are going to be held on 20, 21 & 22 October including Programming Contest, Gaming Contest, Cultural Night, Seminar, Project Show & many more. To us, it has become a ritual, a tradition, a built in family, sometimes even a second job, but mostly a celebration of community. So, we are expecting a huge participation from various renowned universities alongside our own University. Our official Facebook page is . All our updated news will be published here and so, stay tuned and brace yourself for the biggest blast.